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Shuttles Command Center: Ride Report

How to run, download, and read a report in the Command Center of the Shuttles Platform.

Kristine Aguirre avatar
Written by Kristine Aguirre
Updated over a week ago

What the Ride Report Is

The Ride Report gives detailed data for all completed and cancelled rides in a specified date range.

Users can view the Ride Report in the Command Center.

How to View the Ride Report

To view the Ride Report, click on Settings and then Ride Report.

How to Run the Ride Report

  1. Click on the calendar icon in Start and choose a specific start date.

  2. Click on the calendar icon in End and choose a specific end date.

  3. Click Search Rides.

  4. Optional: Click the download icon to download the report in a CSV file.

How to Read the Ride Report

Important: The display within the Ride Report tab displays a limited number of fields. To view all the fields the report contains, download it.

Fields in the Display

  • ID: the unique ID number assigned to a ride

  • Date Created: the date and time the ride was created*

  • Wnty: 'No' if 'covered by warranty' vehicle was left unmarked or 'Yes' if 'covered by warranty' was marked

  • Driver: the user the ride was assigned to

  • Created By: the user that created the ride

  • Passenger: the customer's name and phone number

  • Pick-Up Address: the pickup address that was entered

  • Drop-Off Address: the drop-off address that was entered

  • State: the ride status of Finished (i.e. Completed) or Cancelled

Additional Fields in the CSV File

  • Ref #: the text that was entered in Reference Number

  • Associate Name: the user that was selected as the Service Advisor when the ride was created

  • Notes: the notes that were entered

*Note: All dates and times are in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Common Uses for the Ride Report

  • To submit to car manufacturers for reimbursement for warranty rides.

  • To investigate what happened with a specific ride when a customer complaint is received.

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