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Shuttles Command Center: Addresses

How to add, edit, and delete addresses as pickup or drop off locations in the Command Center of the Shuttles Platform.

Kristine Aguirre avatar
Written by Kristine Aguirre
Updated over a week ago

What Addresses Is

Addresses allows admin users to enter and save various locations in the Command Center.

The Benefits of Using Addresses

  • For clients offering customers shuttle service to and from one main location, using Addresses allows shuttle dispatchers to quickly access common pickup and drop off locations when creating rides in the Command Center

  • For clients offering customers shuttle service to and from more than one location, using Addresses has this benefit and additionally allows customers to choose exactly which of the locations they need a ride to or from when creating their own ride in the Passenger App

How to View Addresses

To view addresses, clicking on Settings and then Addresses

How to Add An Address

To create an address, click New Address, complete the form, and then click Create.

  • Name - Name of the address shown to Command Center users and Passenger App users, if Passenger App feature is enabled (see below). Enter an address in the Address field first and a business name or street address will automatically populate here. Check to make sure the name is correct. Edit it by typing in the field. 

  • Address - Address that will be used in the Command Center, Driver App, and Passenger App. Start typing either a business name or street address. When the correct address appears, select it from the dropdown.

  • Map - A red pin marks the selected address on the map. To move the pin, double-click on the desired map spot and the pin’s location updates. Moving the pin may also change the address and name fields. Check those fields after making any pin changes to make sure they are correct. 

  • Passenger App Drop Off - Enabled makes the location visible and usable to customers in the Passenger App as a pickup or drop off location. Disabled means the location will not show up in the Passenger App as a pickup or drop off location.

When to Enable or Disable Passenger App Drop Off

When a customer is not at your station and is using their Passenger App to create their own ride back to your station, locations marked Enabled for Passenger Drop Off will show up as selectable drop off locations. To ensure that customers can only create rides between their location and a station location:

  • Enter the main station location and mark it Passenger App Drop Off Enabled

  • If shuttle service is offered to and from more than one main station location, enter any additional company-owned locations and mark them Passenger App Drop Off Enabled. 

  • Any non-company-owned locations such as malls, restaurants, local businesses, etc. should be marked Passenger App Drop Off Disabled to prevent customers from creating rides from their home or work to one of these locations (e.g. from their home to the mall). 

How to Edit An Address

Click the pencil icon to the right of the address’s name. Make any edits in the Edit address form, then click Save for the change to take effect.

How to Delete An Address

Click the trash can to the right of the address’s name. Confirm the deletion by clicking Ok in the resulting pop up. Deletions cannot be undone. To recover the address after it is deleted, it will need to be manually re-added.

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