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Jobs Command Center: Message of the Day

How to create an internal message within the Command Center of the Jobs Platform.

Kristine Aguirre avatar
Written by Kristine Aguirre
Updated over a week ago

What Message of the Day Is

Message of the Day is an internal message that appears to all users at the top of the Command Center.

Admin users can create messages of the day for the current or future dates.

Notes On Message of the Day

  • There can only be one message per day.

  • The message can be set for the current or future date.

  • Messages for today or a future date can be edited or deleted.

  • Previous days’ messages cannot be edited or deleted.

  • If the admin user has a photo on their user record, their photo shows in the displayed message.

How to View Message of the Day

Click Settings and then Message of the Day.

How to Create a Message

  1. Click New Message.

  2. Leave the date as the current date or select a future date.

  3. Type the message text or copy and paste it from another source.

  4. Click Save.

How to Edit a Message

  1. Click the pencil icon to the right of the message.

  2. Make any edits in the Message of the Day form

  3. Click Save for the change to take effect.

How to Delete a Message

  1. Click the trash can icon to the right of the message.

  2. In the pop up click Ok to confirm the deletion.

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