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Shuttles Command Center: Station Settings

How admin users can define Station Settings (service radius, operating hours, etc.) in the Command Center of the Shuttles Platform.

Kristine Aguirre avatar
Written by Kristine Aguirre
Updated over a week ago

What Station Settings Are

Station Settings control team- and customer- facing elements of the Command Center, Driver App, and Passenger App.

Admin users should view and edit station settings in the Command Center and should verify that these settings are correct before using Quickride for the first time.

How to View Station Settings

Click Settings and then Station Settings

How to Define General Settings

  • Station Name - The company's name. Is used in the texts/ SMS messages to the customer and is visible by them in their Passenger App.  

  • Station Address - The company's main location address. Is used in the Command Center as the addresses that is filled in on a Ride Form when the Station button is clicked. Is used in the Driver App's navigation system for directions to and from the station. 

  • Service Radius - The radius, in miles, the company offers rides within. In the Command Center it pops up an alert to shuttle dispatchers if they try to create a ride outside of this radius.  In the Passenger App it doesn't let customers create a ride outside of this radius and pops up an alert directing them to contact the company directly.

  • Acceptable Wait Time For Pickup - The maximum number of minutes that the company thinks is acceptable for customers to wait to be picked up. In the Command Center Ride List, customer wait times that are lower than this number show as green. Leave as the default 15 minutes or enter another number.

  • Notice Wait Time For Pickup - The number of minutes that triggers a color notification that customers have waited to be picked up for a longer time than is acceptable. In the Command Center Ride List, customer wait times that are lower than this number but higher than the Acceptable Wait Time for Pickup show as orange. When customer wait times exceed this number they show as red. Leave as the default 25 minutes or enter another number that is higher than the Acceptable Wait Time for Pickup.

  • Warning Wait Time for Pickup - The number of minutes that triggers a warning message that customers have waited to be picked up for a very long time. In the Command Center Ride List, when customer wait times exceed this number an urgent task is triggered. Leave as the default 35 minutes or enter another number that is higher than both the Acceptable Wait Time for Pickup and the Notice Wait Time for Pickup.

  • Maximum Simultaneous Rides - The maximum number of rides/ parties that can be on a shuttle at the same time. For example, if set to 1 this means that the passengers of one customer’s ride must be fully picked up and dropped off before additional rides/ customers can board the shuttle, thereby limiting one party to being on the shuttle at a time. Leave as the default 20 rides/ parties to not restrict the number of rides on the shuttle at the same time by this factor or enter a lower number.

  • Station Logo - The company's official logo. Is also visible to customers in the Passenger App.

How to Define Hours 

  • Hours - The hours the company offers rides. Define hours for days in which service is offered and uncheck any day that service isn't offered. In the Command Center it pops up an alert to shuttle dispatchers if they try to create a ride outside of these hours. In the Passenger App it doesn't let customers create a ride outside of these hours and pops up an alert directing them to contact the company directly.

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