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Shuttles Command Center: Reviews

How admin users can run, download, and read customer reviews in the Command Center of the Shuttles Platform.

Kristine Aguirre avatar
Written by Kristine Aguirre
Updated over a week ago

What Reviews Are

Reviews show customers’ ratings and feedback for their shuttles rides. Customers get access to the review via a link in a text/ SMS message that is automatically sent when their ride is marked completed in the Driver App. The two-question review asks customers to rate their experience on a five-star scale and share comments.

Admin users can view reviews in the Command Center.*

*Reviews can be turned off for the station by contacting Quickride customer support. If turned off, this section won’t appear in the station’s Command Center.

How to View Reviews

Click on Settings and then Reviews.

How to Run Reviews

  1. Click on the calendar icon in the first Date field and choose a specific start date.

  2. Click on the calendar icon in the second Date field and choose a specific end date.

  3. Click Filter

  4. Optional: Click the download icon to download the reviews in a CSV file.

How to Read Reviews

Important: The display within the Review tab displays a limited number of fields. To view all the fields the review contains, click on it or download it.

Fields in the Display

  • Passenger: the customer's name

  • Passenger Phone: the customer’s phone number

  • Service Advisor: the user that was selected as the Service Advisor when the ride was created

  • Driver: the user the ride was assigned to

  • Rating: the number of stars that the customer selected, where one star is the lowest rating and five stars is the highest rating

  • Message: any written feedback the customer gave

Additional Fields in the CSV File

  • ID: the unique ID number assigned to a ride

  • Date Created: the date and time the ride was created

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