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Shuttles Command Center: SMS Templates

How admin users can view and edit customer-facing SMSes/ text messages in the Command Center of the Shuttles Platform.

Kristine Aguirre avatar
Written by Kristine Aguirre
Updated over a week ago

How SMS/ Text Messages Work

The Shuttles Platform has built-in SMS or text messages that are automatically triggered as rides are created in the Command Center or in the Passenger App and the status of the rides are marked in the Driver App. These messages give your customers access to their web-based Passenger App and inform them of their rides' progress.

Admin users can view and edit SMS Templates in the Command Center and should verify that these SMS templates have the desired wording and information before using Quickride for the first time.

How to View SMS Templates

Click Settings and then SMS Templates.

SMS Templates and Messages Flow

For outbound (drop-off) rides, rides going out from the station to other locations, a customer receives four text messages in this order:

  1. Ride Created - User Receives View Ride Link: Sent when a Now or Future ride is created by a dispatcher in the Command Center or the Customer creates a Set by Passenger ride in their Passenger App. Includes a link to the web-based Passenger App.

  2. Driver En Route: Sent when the driver presses Go in the Driver App to get a map to the customer's pickup location.

  3. Arrived: Sent when the driver has arrived at the customer's pickup location.

  4. Customer Dropped Off Expected Return: Sent when the driver marks the customer off the shuttle in the Driver App.

For inbound (pick-up) rides, rides from coming in to the station from other locations, a customer receives four text messages in this order:

  1. Ride Created - User Receives View Ride Link: Sent when a Now or Future ride is created by a dispatcher in the Command Center or the customer creates a Set by Passenger ride in their Passenger App. Includes a link to the web-based Passenger App.

  2. Driver En Route: Sent when the driver presses Go in the Driver App to get a map to the customer's pickup location. Includes a link to the web-based Passenger App.

  3. Arrived: Sent when the driver has arrived at the customer's pickup location.

  4. Customer At FINAL Destination: Sent when the driver marks the customer off the shuttle in the Driver App.

Alternate text messages:

  • Ride Created - Passenger App Link Sent: Sent when a Set by Passenger ride is created by a dispatcher in the Command Center. Includes a link to the web-based Passenger App.

  • Shuttle Auto Response - Ride In Progress: Sent when a customer replies to a text/ SMS message when they have an active ride.

  • Shuttle Auto Response - Ride Finished: When a customer replies to a text/ SMS message after their ride is complete.

How to View & Edit SMS Templates 

To view an SMS template's text, locate the SMS template, then click the View/Edit.

To edit an SMS template, read the text, type any changes, then click Save for the change to take effect. 

To remove the edits to an SMS template, click Revert to Original, and then click Ok in the pop up to confirm.

Using Variables

Variables pull pieces of information specific to the station or each ride from other parts of the platform into your text messages.

  • Station Name: Pulls in Station Name from Station Settings

  • Service Advisor Name: Pulls in the Display Name of the user who is marked as the Service Advisor for the ride

  • Driver Name: Pulls in the Display Name of the user who is assigned as the driver for the ride

  • Passenger App Link: Gives a specific link to the Passenger App for the ride

How Customers Can Opt Out From Texts/ SMS Messages 

A customer can opt-out from receiving texts/ SMS messages about their shuttle ride by replying to a ride message with Stop. Once they opt out they will no longer receive any texts /SMS messages about the existing or future rides.

If the customer erroneously opted out, they can easily opt-in from receiving texts/ SMS by replying to a ride message with Unstop. Once successful, they will receive a message "You have replied "unstop" and will begin receiving messages again from this number."

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