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Passenger App: Ride Status

How customers see their ride status in the Passenger App of the Shuttles Platform.

Kristine Aguirre avatar
Written by Kristine Aguirre
Updated over a week ago

What the Passenger App Is

The Passenger App of the Quickride Shuttles platform is a web-based application where customers can view the real-time status of their shuttle rides, create their own shuttle rides, and rate their shuttle rides.

How Customers Access the Passenger App

Customers get access to the Passenger App via a link in an initial text/ SMS message that is automatically sent when their ride is created in the Command Center. They receive the link again in additional texts/ SMS messages that are sent when the shuttle starts driving to pick them up and when the shuttle arrives at their pickup location. Customers click on the link and the Passenger App opens on whatever default internet browser they have installed on their smartphone. They do not need to download anything to access the app.

How to Read the Passenger App

On the Ride Status screen, customers see:

  1. Customer pickup or drop-off location: The pin marks where the customer needs to be picked up or dropped off from on the map.

  2. Shuttle icon: A color-coded shuttle icon appears on the map when the shuttle/driver starts driving to the customer’s location.

  3. Station icon: The company’s name or logo marks the station’s main address on the map.

  4. Triangle button: Orients the map around the station location

  5. Center button: Orients the map around the customer's location.

  6. Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA): A time or status message shows when the driver is estimated to arrive at the customer’s pickup location

  7. Driver photo: The photo that is on the driver’s user record shows here. If there is no photo on the user record, a smiling face emoji shows as the placeholder.

  8. Driver name: The driver’s name.

  9. Pickup address: The physical address the customer is being picked up from.

  10. Drop-off address: The physical address the customer is being dropped off at.

  11. Cancel ride button: Option to cancel the ride if the customer no longer needs it.

  12. Contact button: Option to call the service advisor or shuttle driver.

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